1.- Let´s go to introduce ourselves!













My name is Yolanda, I am10 years old.
My birthday is  in August 30th.
My favorite colors are blue and pink.
My favorite animal is the dog.
I was born in Mérida.
My  favourite subject is P.E
My school  is called Our Lady of old woman.
My favorite book is the Geronimo stilton.
My favorite instrument is the flute.
My favorite number is 10.
My favorite food is pizza pie
In my class there are 23 students, 9 girls and 12 boys


Luis Alberto



My name is Mahel, I' m 10 year old.
My favorite color is red and my favorite number is 7.
My favorite animal is the  tiger.
My birthday is on May 20th.
My favorite subjet is P.E.
 My favorite food is pizza
I like sport. I like Mérida. My favorite sport is footbal.
 My favorite friend is Maria.T.
 I like video games (CALL of DUTY, MINECRAFT, GTA V ONLINE ).
My school name is Ntr. Sra. de la antigua  





Hello! My name is Paola.
I' ten years old. My birthday is on the 16th of February. My favourite season is summer. I'm from Mérida (Spain) I live in Mérida. I love P.E. My favourite musical instrument is a guitar. My favourite subject is P.E My school name is Ntra Sra de la Antigua. I'm good  at language. My favourite number is two. My favourite sport is football. My favourite food is chips. My best friend is Andrea. My favourite animal is a dog. My favourite color is pink
                                                       BYE BYE


María Acia



My name is Saray.
I’m 10 years old.
My favorite animal is dog.
 My favorite subject  are P.E and mathematics.
I love P.E. My favorite sport is basketball.
My birthday is on the 4th of April. I like football. My favorite food is pizza. My school name is "Ntra. Sra. de la Antigua". I Want to be a singer or scientific.
My favorite number is two and my favorite color is blue
I live in  Merida.   BYE BYE


María L.



My name is Carolina. I'm 10 years old. My favorite color is pink. My favorite number is two. My favorite subjet is maths. My favorite food is pizza. My favorite sport is football. My brithday is on the 5th of september. My school name is NTRA SRA DE LA ANTIGUA. My favorite teacher is Teresa. I love Mérida. I love school.  We are 23 childrenin the class,  9 girls  and 12 boy. I love school.







Dear friends!
Hello,  my name is Juan.  I'm 10 years old and  my favorite color is red. My my favorite number is two. My favorite animal is a white horse.  My favorite sport is football. M y favorite food is lasagne
and my name school is Ntra Sra de la antigua.I live in Merida  andmy best friend are Luis Alberto and Maria.


María Trinidad




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